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Quincy, Massachusetts

For Sale concept. Real estate market

We Buy Houses in Quincy, MA

Quincy is a large town in Norfolk County, and it’s full of United States History. Both John Adams and John Quincy Adams, along with John Hancock were born here. Almost 93,000 residents live here, and the prices of homes are a bit higher than the houses in other parts of the state.

If you have a house in Quincy, MA to sell, you might be tempted to sell it through an agent. But there are a lot of problems that selling through an agent can cause you. We’ll look at those first, and then we’ll look at selling for cash to us.

Selling Through an Agent

When you are selling your house through an agent, there are a lot of things that you are going to have to do. Let’s look at some of the things that you are going deal with when you are selling your house through an agent.

  • Fees – There are a lot of fees that you have to deal with, and this makes the process a lot more expensive.
  • Staging – Staging is something that is usually done when you are selling your house the typical way. Some people do this themselves, but if you have someone do it for you, it can cost $2,000 or more.
  • Showings – You want people to come in and see your house, so you are going to have people coming into and out of your house. During these showings you have to get you and your family and any pets out of your house.
  • Cleaning – When you are selling your house, you might have to take weeks to try and get your home clean so that it’s ready for people to come and see your house.
  • Long Process – Many times it can take a long time for your house to sell. And if the financing falls through you have to go through it all again.
  • Inspections – When you are selling your house through an agent, inspections are often required by the bank before the financing is put through.
  • Repairs & Improvements – Many buyers or inspectors are going to request that you make repairs or improvements before the house can be sold.

Selling For Cash

As you can see, there are a lot of fees and other things that you have to deal with when you are selling through an agent. Now let’s look at what you can expect when you sell for cash instead of through an agent.

  • No Fees – Unlike with an agent, you don’t have to worry about any fees.
  • No Staging – You don’t have to worry about staging your house like you do with an agent.
  • No Showings – You don’t have to worry about someone coming into your house and leaving the house while it’s being shown.
  • No Cleaning – You don’t have to worry about making your house be in pristine condition.
  • Process is Shorter – Because there aren’t any banks involved or financing, it’s going to take a lot less time to sell.
  • No Inspections Needed – Since cash sales are as is, there aren’t any inspections needed.
  • No Improvements or Repairs – Just like with the benefit above, since it’s an as is sale, you don’t have to worry about making improvements or repairs.

As you can see, selling your house for cash is a lot easier for you and for your family. You get your money a lot faster and there are fewer headaches.

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