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Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

For Sale concept. Real estate market

We Buy Houses in Jamaica Plain, MA


Affectionally called JP by locals, Jamaica Plain is one of the most dynamic and diverse neighborhoods in Boston.  It has a large Latino population, is home to young families and seniors, has nonprofit groups, and a growing community of members of the LGBTQ.

But sometimes, like everything else, you have to pull up stakes and move out of the area that you love. A lot of people choose to sell their Jamaica Plain house through an agent. But that’s not always the way that you want to go.

When you are selling a house, chances are that you think that you are going to get your money and all of that money is going to be yours. But nothing is further from the truth. Let’s look at some of the hidden costs that you are going to have to deal with when you sell using an agent.

Agent Commission

This is anywhere from 2.5% to 3% that you have to pay from your sales price. Depending on how much money you are selling your house for, this can really add up.


Even if you stage your house yourself, you still are going to have to rent the furniture to do it.  The costs of professional staging will run anywhere from $300-600 for the design consultation. It also costs anywhere from $500-$600/month for each staged room.

To give you an idea of what a house with 2,000 square feet will cost anywhere from $2,000-$2,400 per month. If you have it professionally staged, the majority of stagers require a minimum of 3 months. This means that even if the house is sold in just 24 hours, you have to pay up to $7,200.

Home Inspections

The price for a home inspection is going to vary based on where the house is, along with the house’s age and size. However, they generally will cost anywhere from $300-$450.

Some other things that can affect the price of an inspection will be the distance of the inspector from the house and how unique the house is. If the inspector is more experienced, they also might charge more.

Incidental Costs

Finally, there are incidental costs that come with selling your house using an agent. For example, you have to do cleaning, you want to paint the interior of the house and maybe you want to give the home’s exterior a good cleaning. If you have to wait a long time for your house to sell and you already have another house, you may be paying two mortgages. This really can add up.

But when you sell your Jamaica Plain house for cash, you are going to save a lot of money. The reason for this is because:

  • No Inspection
  • No need to clean
  • No staging
  • No commisions



We buy Jamaica Plain, MA houses for cash. If you are looking to sell your house fast and you want to avoid all of the problems that are associated with selling using a realtor, give us a call. We are happy to help you and give you a fair price. 

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