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Revere, Massachusetts

Real estate house with for sale sign

We Buy Houses in Revere, MA

First inhabited by Rumney Marsh Indians, Revere is just 5 miles from downtown Boston. The American Revolution’s first naval battle happened here. Originally called North Chelsea, the name was changed to Revere after the famous Paul Revere.

If you have a house that you want to sell in Revere, MA, you’ll want to consider selling it for cash rather than selling it though an agent. Below are some benefits that you will find if you sell your Revere, Massachusetts house for cash.

It’s More Flexible

When you sell a house to a cash buyer or investor, you have more flexibility for the sale terms. Since investors and cash bash buyers aren’t purchasing the house because they need somewhere to live, meaning that they’re a lot more willing to agree to terms that you set. If the property you’re selling already has people who are living in it, a lot of investors will buy it without the people having to be evicted.

You Can Select Your Closing Date

When you are selling a house the traditional way, they are usually the ones who set their closing dates. Sometimes these can take a long time for the deal to close, as your buyer gets their funds and paperwork in order. A lot of buyers also will put down contingencies when you’ll need to leave, and these are often before you are ready to leave.

What if you’ve been relocated for work and you have to sell the house fast? What if it’s important to sell the house fast but you’re needing some time to get everything moved out? You aren’t going to get a lot of flexibility selling the traditional way but you will with a cash sale.

The House is Sold Without Hassle

A really hard thing when it comes to traditional sales is that your buyer can ask you to make certain repairs or for you to lower your price if the repairs aren’t made. In fact, most of the time you have to make some repairs when you are selling your home. It’s also common for a buyer to request a discount if you don’t make the repairs.  

However, when you sell your home for cash, it’s sold the way it is without any changes.

It’s Easy to Sell a Home That’s Vacant

Realtors often say that it’s really hard to sell homes that are vacant. If you had someone who left you their home, or you are selling a house that is your vacation home, it can be very difficult to sell it. A lot of buyers are going to be wary about houses that aren’t constantly occupied.

However, when you’re selling for cash, this isn’t the problem. You are going to sell your vacant home a lot faster for cash.


These are some of the benefits of selling for cash. You are going to have a lot easier time of selling your home and you are going to have cash in your hand a lot faster. We buy Revere, MA homes for cash. Simply send us a chat message to get the ball rolling and have a fair cash quote.

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